We absolutely LOVE these chocolate chip mega muffins. They’re not only delicious and kid-approved, but they were a literal game changer when it came to getting my kids out the door on time for school. My kids (and me…definitely me too) love to get every single moment of sleep possible before getting up to start the day. This often means that we’re getting up with 30 minutes to get everyone dressed, fed, and out the door (in that order…another game-changing strategy to help us be on time in the mornings!). These muffins are easy to make the night before and pop into the microwave for 15-20 seconds while the kids are finding their shoes and shoving their (mostly) finished homework into their backpacks. Save the stress of trying to figure out breakfast or trying to cook breakfast amidst the chaos of getting yourself and your little (or big) humans ready and out the door for the day.
[…] those few extra minutes of sleep a night. The biggest prepare-the-night-before hits so far are my chocolate chip muffins and this Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Bake. The kids LOVE it and I love not having to cook […]